Set a treadmill to the highest incline. Start at a jog for a while. After that, run at a moderate pace for 3 minutes, then run at a more challenging pace for 3 minutes, then run at a very challenging pace for 3 minutes, then run very hard for 1 minute.
If you can hit 8.5 mph at a 15 percent incline, that’s pretty legit. Total work time is 10 minutes.
Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes:10 dumbbell thrusters (40/25 lb.)20 double-unders
4 rounds of:
20 seconds of air squats
10 seconds of rest
4 rounds of:
20 seconds of dumbbell push-ups (pull right arm to chest w/ dumbbell, push-up, pull left arm to chest w/ dumbbell, 45/25 lb.)
10 seconds of rest
4 rounds of:
20 seconds of hollow-rock hold
10 seconds of rest
For 10 minutes:
Perform 6 burpees every 30 seconds
At 10:00, immediately run 1 mile for time
200-m run
12 burpees
200-m run
24 jumping air squats
200-m run
36 sit-ups
200-m run
48 push-ups
8 rounds of:
30-second handstand hold
10 squats
8 rounds of:
8 weighted sit-ups (keep the weight at arms’ length between you and the ceiling throughout the entire range of motion)
4 push-ups
30 seconds of plank
As many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
15 lunges
10 push-ups
15 lunges
20 sit-ups
From 0:00 to 3:00, 2 rounds of:
10 push-ups
10 jumping squats
From 3:00 to 6:00, 2 rounds of:
12 push-ups
12 jumping squats
From 6:00 to 9:00, 2 rounds of:
14 push-ups
14 jumping squats
*And so on. Follow the same pattern for as long as possible.
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
25 jumping jacks
3 burpees
Then, with no rest, as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
10 sit-ups
5 push-ups
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